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Enjoy my expertly written resources to help you train your puppy

Sheffield Puppy Owners Playbook

Congraulations on bringing your puppy home!
It can be a bit overwhelming and confusing can’t it?
Everyone is eager to shovel their advice and opinions at you, yet no one agrees with each other, leaving you feeling more confused than ever.

This happened to me too when I was a first-time dog owner – and I had no idea who to believe, or who to trust.

You’re not alone if you’re feeling overwhelmed by masses of conflicting puppy training information, or confused about the “right thing to do.”

This is why I’ve curated the Sheffield Puppy Owners Playbook, to help guide you through the swamp of puppy advice you might be getting stuck in.

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The Sheffield Puppy Playbook is free to download and it will help you with:

✅ Puppy Diet – what to feed your puppy and where to look for good nutritional advice.

✅ Puppy Play – the best toys and what to avoid.

✅ Puppy training treats & chews – what can your puppy eat & what should they avoid.

✅ Puppy Walks – from stressful, to stress-free.

Meera Puppins is an expert, guest puppy-writer for the popular Butternut Box Blog

Below is a selection of her puppy training articles

Become a dog trainer blog

‘How to become a dog trainer’ on the Butternut Box Blog

How to toilet train a puppy

‘How to toilet train a puppy’ on the Butternut Box Blog

How to bathe a puppy

‘How to bathe a puppy’ on the Butternut Box Blog

How to stop a puppy from biting

‘How to stop a puppy from biting’ on the Butternut Box Blog

how to introduce a puppy to a dog

‘How to introduce a puppy to a dog’ on the Butternut Box Blog