Naughty or Nice Sheffield Puppy Photo Competition
SheffieldIt's beginning to look a lot have a LOT of photos of your puppy on your phone? Excellent! Because this Christmas, Sheffield Pet Photographer extraordinaire @poochnpineapple and myself MeeraPuppins Puppy Training have teamed up on a magical Christmas Quest... Our mission is to find Sheffield's NAUGHTIEST and NICEST puppy! The photo competition is open to Sheffield puppies aged up to 1 year old. Here's how to enter: Take a festive photo of your puppy. Upload your photo to Facebook or Instagram with a Naughty or Nice caption: “I’m on Santa Paws Naughty List because...”+ the naughty thing your puppy has done. “I’m on Santa Paws Nice List because...” + the nice thing your puppy has done. Tag @MeeraPuppinsPuppyTraining and Pooch & Pineapple Dog Photography so we can see it! Share the Joy: encourage your puppy owning friends and family to participate too! Prize winners will be announced on January 1st, winning a luxury festive goodie box each. Got a question? Email me to! P.S. You MUST tag both of us for your entry to count. This is not affiliated with Instagram and any messages saying you've won are likely to be a scam - please be careful! The […]